Nature Immersed, Spanish Integrated

Parent participation...
Parents are superheros! We have a lot of responsibilities, talents and roles in our families. Parents are a critical part of their child's education and this involvement can look different for each of us.
This is a drop-off program.
Unless teaching a class, volunteering time in the garden, or in an otherwise scheduled volunteer position, parents will drop off their children. Our co-op is academic focused, influenced largely by place-based learning. Because teaching in this niche genre requires a specific skill set, we don't rely on parents as our main teachers, and parents do not stay on site. (and also for liability reasons)
There are still plenty of ways we rely on parent collaboration to build an education platform for children to thrive! Some opportunities for involvement include:
Attending community potlucks, work parties, and special events.
Teaching an elective class. This could be weekly, monthly or a one time class.
Teaching a math class. We love to barter class payments for teaching.
Attending your child's cultural bag week. Helping them get their presentation ready and helping them present to our class.
Organizing a once a month whole school field trip.
Connecting with community partnerships and organizing a special event.
Donating supplies to cooking, art, general supplies.
Attending two parent/teacher conferences a year.
Communicating with teachers through emails and texts.
Doing farm work in the fall, spring and summer.
Carpooling with other parents.
Subbing for absent teachers.
Supporting Chavitos on social media: sharing events, openings, relational marketing.
Connecting grandparents or elders to Chavitos to teach or visit a classes
Each family has different needs. It's our intention to support as many families by offering as many different enrollment options as possible. If after looking at our options, you don't see one that would work for your family, talk to us and we will explore possibilities.
Chavitos Nature Program