Nature Immersed, Spanish Integrated

Our co-op is for homeschoolers...
At age 8, students in WA state must be declared either homeschooling, or enroll in a public or private school. We are not a public or a credentialed private school, but we can offer excellent group academic support.
Homeschooling laws require that you are your child's main teacher for the core subjects of Science, Math, English Language Arts, and Social Studies, and this limits the amount of time your 8+ child can spend at Chavitos with our teachers. Our highly skilled teachers can reinforce your home learning.
Children over the age of 8 can come a max of 24hrs/week, this could look like:
4 full days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Combo of electives and academics. Some options could be Monday-Friday electives with T/W/Th academics.
Monday-Friday academics with three or less days of electives.
Outside of our program, homeschooling could look like: unschooling, wild schooling, or structured schooling. Our co-op supports your work at home. Some of our students, including ours, are enrolled in an alternative learning experience (ALE), like OASIS or PEARL. We work with families to support the learning outside of school by sending work copies home and a weekly learning points email. This report is organized by subject and is a synapsis of what learning was done during the week. If you have questions about this option we can connect you with another parent who can share about their experience.
Students under 8 don't need to be registered as a homeschooler and are welcome to attend our Full Time option or have no limit on their elective and academic classes. We do require students under age 8, who are enrolled in the Academic Block, to attend four days a week, Mon-Thurs, because literacy and math classes are sequenced for this age group.
Find out more about the Washington requirements by visiting the Washington Homeschool Organization website.
Chavitos Nature Program